Junior Church
We see our children as a very important part of our church community and we are blessed to have so many attending each week. You are very welcome to join us, please either just come along on a Sunday morning at 11am or contact our Minister Chris who will put you in touch with a member of the Junior Church team.
What is Junior Church?
Junior Church takes place on a Sunday morning and is an integral part of our Sunday morning worship. All the church family begin in church together and then after about 20 minutes and a family talk, the children and young people leave for activities in the adjoining rooms and halls appropriate to their age groups.
What ages do we cater for?
At the moment we have children from 6 months to 17 years old. We currently have three groups, a crèche and pre-school group, a group of school reception, year 1 and 2, and a group for those years 3 and above. Those above the age of 12 have activities arranged for them as required. Groups can be very fluid according to the ages of those attending. We have leaders and helpers for each group and always welcome parents joining in to help.

What do we do?
Well, we have lots of fun! We do craftwork, learn about different Bible stories, have discussions, do quizzes, and play games all related to the weekly theme. During January and February, we have been working on the themes of ‘Kindness’ and ‘Love’. Each week towards the end of the session we all come together to do some singing. We learn new songs and sing old favourites to be sung in our worship in Church.
All-age worship
Every second Sunday in the month we have all-age worship when the children stay in Church for the whole service. There are specific activities laid out in church for the children to do during the service related to the theme of the week.
Special events
We also organize special events such as the Good Friday Activity afternoon. This year it takes place on the 10th of April and will run from 1 pm to 3 pm for 3 -10 year olds. We will be doing lots of craft activities, making Easter gardens, etc., and having fun. At 2.45 pm we will go into Church for a short service concluding at 3 pm. We ask that parents stay with any under 5’s and all are invited to join us for the short service. Please let us know if you would like to join us.